11 December, 2015

Do not be quiet!

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Last week I shared a very personal opinion about Black Fridays & Cyber Mondays and was actually very surprised by the number of people who agreeded on my point of view.

I reported some campaigns with bad reputations, once they were not clear enough with customers, and one of them was the Black Friday promotional designed by the Spanish retailer Clarel (a chain part of the group Dia%).

The reason why I am writting this post now is to encourage you, consumer, to expose your dissatisfaction with those companies in case you think there is something wrong on their communication, or if the rules of their marketing activities and promotions are not clear.  Sometimes they hide information, but sometimes they just do not realize they omitted an important part of the information and for that reason, they do not obtain success with their campaigns.

(1st Flyer) – Here is the flyer Clarel launched during Black Friday:

Clarel Black Friday

(2nd Flyer) – Here is the flyer sent this week, after consumers (like myself, probably) complained about omitted information on their delivery’s fee



So here is the a tip: Do not omit you opinion. Never!

Write them on Twitter, Facebook, or just send them an email. Our voice is a guide to the companies and brands.


Written by Fernanda Accorsi



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